5-21-2002 UPDATE! - I reopened the site today! Every single page has been changed. Check them all out! The major changes were the following:
1) No more "Coming Soon" and "New" neon
2) A Quotes page replacing the Newsletter
3) The completion of the features page!
4) The addition of script that remembers your name if you are a return guest
on the main page.
5) The addition of a password protected pictures page
for family and friends!
Check this page often for other updates.
5-23-2002 UPDATE! - Well I only thought that I was going to reopen the site. at 9:30 my ftp program stopped working, so not only could i not open the page i couldnt put up a message! anyway the page is now officially open! enjoy!
8-27-02 UPDATE! - I finaly made the Music section featuring Stabilo Boss. Check it out.